Sep 19, 2016 | CLevy | 1012 views
Hello all and Welcome
Hello all and Welcome to the 2016-2017 Aurora Tigers Midget A team!!
Congratulations to all the boys – it looks like we have a GREAT team and I am looking forward to an AMAZING season.
Now that tryouts are done and the team is picked we have some work to
do. Please find below some action items that need to be taken care of right
1. Please SUBSCRIBE to the team calendar so that all events will show on your personal calendars - DO NOT EXPORT the calendar as this will not provide updates automatically.
2. Please note that there is a team/parents meeting this Tuesday - 8pm at ALC - it is on the team calendar
3. Please send me all appropriate contact information
- Players email, cell phone #, home phone #
- Fathers name, email, cell phone
- Mothers name, email, cell phone
4. Please also note that we have a practice this Thursday and an exhibition game this Friday
5. I am looking for parents who want to help out – I need these asap – please contact me if you are interested – I will be having discussions with all before my final decisions are made
- Assistant Coaches
- Trainers
- Manager
6. We will need to have a Jersey fitting day very soon (this week or weekend?) – stay tuned for the date
7. Please always remember to contact me if you are not able to make an event, game or practice
Carl Levy