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Aurora Home Hardware Building Centre
Home Owners helping homeowners.
Backyard Pool & Spa
When it comes to providing relaxation in a hot tub or swimming pool, The Backyard Pool & Spa Company is there for you. The award winning company offers superior customer service, trained service technicians and years of experience in the pool and spa industry. Stop by their year-round showroom in Aurora and find out why The Backyard Pool & Spa Company has been chosen the # 1 Pool and Spa company in York Region. Backyard Pool & Spa has been a long-term and valued sponsor of the Aurora Minor Hockey Association.
Ice Photo Studios
We offer a wide and varying degrees of products and services to fit your photographic needs. We’ve been in business for 50+ years and have a unique perspective that is very photogenic. Whether you need; a photographer, hard prints, or a consultant - please feel free to ask about your options.