U12BB Tryouts, News, U12 B Gold, Rep BB (Aurora Minor Hockey)

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Apr 10, 2024 | Brian Puskar | 367 views
U12BB Tryouts
My name is Brian Puskar and I am excited to be coaching the Aurora Tigers 2024/2025 U12 BB team. Below you will find information related to the upcoming season including the tryout process, schedule, and evaluation criteria.

My name is Brian Puskar and I am excited to be coaching the Aurora Tigers 2024/2025 U12 BB team. Below you will find information related to the upcoming season including the tryout process, schedule, and evaluation criteria. 



• Tryout #1 Saturday May 11th@ 11:45am – 1:15pm ACC2 

• Tryout #2 Wednesday May 15th@ 6:30pm – 8:00pm ACC1

• Tryout #3 Thursday May 16th@ 5:30pm – 7:00pm ACC1 (Exhibition game vs Newmarket)


1.  On the day of each tryout, AMHA representatives will be present to help with the tryout registration process. Registration will take place at ACC prior to the tryout. Every player should have registered for a Tryout Passport prior to the first tryout.

2. Please arrive at least 30-45 minutes before the tryout begins

3. When you arrive, please go to the AMHA sign-in table located in the lobby. You will be given a tryout jersey for use that day. Please note that THIS JERSEY MUST BE RETURNED AT THE END OF EACH TRYOUT SESSION. It does not go home.

4. Full protective gear is mandatory, including neck and mouth guards. Players without such equipment will not be allowed on the ice.

5. You must attend the first tryout to be invited back to the second and third tryouts.

6. To ensure fairness and impartiality, there will be a team of independent evaluators who will be assisting me with player assessment, including representatives from the AMHA

7.  During and after the tryout, please do NOT approach the evaluators, as they are focused on the task at hand.

8. After each tryout, decisions will be communicated to parents and players.

I am aware that some players (and/or Parents) may experience stress and anxiety during the tryout process. Please kindly reinforce with your player that they perform at their best when feeling relaxed and confident. It is important for parents to help manage their child’s expectations during this process. A rostered position on this team should never be assumed, it has to be earned. Let’s all try to make this process an enjoyable one!


Several INDEPENDENT and experienced coaches will act as evaluators during the tryout process, as well as the on-ice instructors. Their opinions together with the independent AMHA evaluators will select the 2023/2024 U12 BB team. Please do not approach the evaluators, all questions should be directed to me through the U12 BB website email link.

Please know that this feedback gathered will be used to help select the Team. Many factors will be considered in this decision-making process including the following:

• Skating

• Coachability

• Hockey IQ

• Puck Handling

• Shooting

• Attentiveness

• Attitude

• Battling

• Team Play


Before committing, please take the following into consideration:

The financial commitment for each player is estimated to be $2,500, although we will be looking for sponsorships/fundraisers to help offset these costs.

There will also be a time commitment required of each family. We will be on the ice 3 to 4 times per week with practices and games. It is expected that all players attend all practices and games.

We will be looking to enter 3 or 4 tournaments, of which 2 may be an away tournament that would involve an additional cost per family.

Once the team is selected, we will be looking for volunteers to fill the following roles: 

  • 2-3 Assistant Coaches
  • Goalie Coach, 
  • Team Trainer, 
  • Team Manager
  • Treasurer
  • On-Ice Helpers 
  • Team Photo/Videographer.

All decisions about player positions are at the discretion of the Coaches, and player positions can change throughout the season.

Our season extends all the way to April 14, 2025.

If you have any questions for me, please feel free to email. If you have a concern, please respect the OMHA protocol of waiting 24-hours before emailing me. Please know that if I receive a concern prior to this 24-hr period that I will not respond until the protocol period has expired.

Thank you, and good luck to everyone!



Brian Puskar

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