Welcome to the 2024-25 U12 A Tryouts, News, U12 B Black, Rep BB (Aurora Minor Hockey)

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Apr 23, 2024 | Adam Theodorou | 520 views
Welcome to the 2024-25 U12 A Tryouts
2023/24 U12 A Aurora Tigers Tryouts

Welcome, and thank you, all parents, guardians, and players for taking part in our 2024/2025 “U12A” team tryout. My name is Adam Theodorou, and I will be your head coach for the 2024-25 season. Myself and the rest of the coaching staff feel very fortunate and excited to be leading a great group of 2013 athletes to another fantastic year of hockey. Please see the below information on details for the upcoming season.

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Tryout Schedule:

Tryout 1: Sat, May 04- 1:15pm – 2:45pm Aurora CC (2-McAlpine Lincoln) Arrive 45min before

Tryout 2: Wed, May 08th -8:00pm – 9;30pm Aurora CC (1-McAlpine Ford) Arrive 45min before

Tryout 3: Fri, May 10th -5:30pm – 7:00pm (Magna Scotia Newmarket) Arrive 45min before

The first 2 tryouts will consist of a variety of drills and scrimmage time.

For final rostered players will be selected after the 3rd tryout (exhibition game)

Tryout Process:
1. You must pre-register your child online (AMHA Website) for the upcoming season & purchase a tryout passport.
2. You will see your child’s passport number on the U12 A – Tryout Player List page on the website. If your passport number is present, you are welcome to come to the tryout. If the number is not there, please contact the AMHA.
3. Please arrive at least 45 minutes before tryout 1,2, and 3.
4. When you arrive at the lobby of the ACC rink #2, please go to the AMHA table to sign-in and receive your child’s tryout jersey. THIS JERSEY MUST BE RETURNED AT THE END OF EACH TRYOUT. It does not go home.
5. Full protective gear is mandatory, including neck and mouth guards– players without, or missing such equipment, will NOT be allowed on the ice.
6. You MUST attend the first tryout in order to be invited back to the second, or third tryout unless provided permission by the Head Coach. If for whatever reason you are unable to attend, please email me to discuss.

7. All players must tryout for one level above their highest played previous level.

8. Not all players will be attending all 3 tryouts.

Drills and Evaluations

The tryouts will be an anxious time for all of us while the players are evaluated. 
It will be an extremely difficult task choosing 15-17 players for the team from a large group of hardworking athletes.  Player selection will be based on their individual abilities within these categories



Work Ethic

Team Play

Hockey IQ


Positional Play


Hockey Sense

Compete Level

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Evaluation Team

Several INDEPENDENT and experienced coaches will act as evaluators and/or on ice instructors.  Their opinions together with my own and the AMHA’s independent evaluators will select the U12 A team.  Please do not approach evaluators, all questions should be directed towards me through the 2024/2025 U12 A webpage email link. 

During and after the tryout, please do NOT approach the evaluators, as they have a job to do.

The first on ice session will be open to any 2013 registered AMHA players.  The second session will include all candidates asked to return from the first ice session. The Third and final session will include all candidates asked to return from the second tryout. Only those selected for the final session will be participating in the exhibition game vs. Newmarket on May 10th.  All players attending the exhibition game must be at the exhibition game 60 minutes prior to game time in order to sign-in, complete a warmup and be prepared for the game.  

Selection or Release Process

Communication of my decisions after each tryout will occur via the website and NOT in person. Your child’s passport submission ID number is the code that identifies them on the website (look at the U12 A website for the team and the tryout page).

·After the 1st tryout, results will be posted after 11pm on May 4th

·After the 2nd tryout, results will be posted after 11pm on May 8h

·After the 3rd tryout, results will be posted after 11pm on May 10th

Parents/Guardians of ‘released’ players are welcome to reach out via email to the Head Coach but please respect the OMHA protocol of waiting 48 hours after the final tryout, should you have specific questions or desire additional feedback. 
A parent meeting for those selected to the team will be scheduled in the near future.

Team Expecations:

There will be a financial commitment from each family. The estimated financial commitment will be approximately $3000 to 3,200. We will be looking for sponsorships and fundraising to help reduce the cost per family.

There will also be a time commitment required of each family. We will be on the ice 3 to 4 times per week with practices and games. It is expected that all players attend all practices and games.

We will be attending approx. 3 to 4 tournaments (at least one being an away tourney) but would like to add more in.

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Coaching Staff

I will be selecting the remainder of the coaches/staff after the final tryout once the team is selected.

I will be Working with:

Randy Tredenick again as my 1st Assistant Coach

·2-3 Other assistant coaches

·1-3 practice coaches

·1 Team Manage

·1 Team trainer

·Other roles: Social Committee for fundraising, team events and other group incentives, etc.


All decisions about player positions are at the discretion of the coach and will most likely change during the season based on the needs of the team. However I encourage each player to tryout for the position of their choice.

Tiger Jersey Fitting Day:

If your child makes the team, they MUST attend the Tigerware fitting Thursday, May 16 @ 6pm

at Lion Share Marketing, 16610 Bayview Avenue, Unit 8. 

I am aware that some players (and/or their parents) may experience anxiety during this process. PLEASE kindly reinforce with your child that they perform at their best when feeling relaxed and confident.

Selecting a team from all the talented players is very difficult on everyone. Lets remember that this is a game, we are all volunteers and selecting a team of players is a tough decision to make, and unfortunately, we can not select every player who tries out. It is important for parents to help manage their child’s expectations during this process. A roster position on this team should never be assumed. Let’s all make the tryout process an enjoyable one!
I wish all candidates the best of luck in their tryouts and I look forward to seeing you at the rink.

Adam Theodorou

Head Coach –U12 A

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