The 2018/19 Aurora Tigers Peewee AE Team, News, PeeWee AE, U13/U12, 2018-2019 (Aurora Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 29, 2018 | SBelman | 1932 views
The 2018/19 Aurora Tigers Peewee AE Team
Welcome to the 2018/2019 Peewee AE Tryouts  My Name is Steve Belman and I am very excited to lead this years team. Never Give Up Attitude! Team Play!!, & Respect will be our core values.

Please confirm the tryout schedule as posted on AMHA website. The Peewee AE tryout schedule is as follows:

Tryout #1 - May 4th 7:30pm-9pm at ACC2 
Tryout #2 - May 5th 1:30pm-3pm at ACC2
Tryout #3 - May 6th 1pm at ACC1(Exhibition game)

1.      You must pre-register your child on-line (AMHA Website) for the upcoming season & purchase a tryout passport.
2.      Please arrive at least 45 minutes before each tryout.
3.      When you arrive at the lobby of ACC 1 or 2 , please go to the AMHA table to sign-in and receive your child’s tryout jersey. THIS JERSEY MUST BE RETURNED AT THE END OF EACH TRYOUT! It does not go home.  
4.      Full protective gear is mandatory, including neck and mouth guards – players without, or missing such equipment, will NOT be allowed on the ice. 
5.      Your son’s passport submission ID number is your code that identifies you on the website (Look at Peewee AE website for the team and the tryout page). 

For those of you who make the team there is a Tigerware fitting booked for Saturday May 12th between 4:30-6pm at Lion's Share Marketing (16610 Bayview Avenue, Unit 8).

Please also note if your child is to be selected, the financial obligation could be from $1,800-$2,000/family. This hopefully will be drawn from personal and fundraising commitments.

 I want to wish all players the best for these tryouts. JUST GIVE IT YOUR ALL!!

 Coach Steve.
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