Novice A Tryouts, News, Novice A, U9/U8, 2017-2018 (Aurora Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 28, 2017 | Joe Bentolila | 1189 views
Novice A Tryouts
Dear Parents,   Hello, welcome to the tryouts for the Novice A team. We would like to welcome everyone to the tryouts and thank you for taking the time to attend. We wish each and every skater the best of luck!  

At this time, the tryouts will be conducted by the AMHA Head Coach and a team of independent evaluators.  Once the team has been chosen, then we will be looking for a coach, hopefully from the chosen team.   


Tryout #1 – Saturday, April 29, 2017, 3:00 – 4:30 p.m., Aurora CC (2-McAlpine Lincoln)

Tryout #2 – Sunday, April 30, 2017, 9:30 – 11:00 a.m., Aurora CC (1-McAlpine Ford)

Tryout #3 – Tuesday, May 2, 2017, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m., Aurora CC (2-McAlpine Lincoln)



1.     You must pre-register your child on-line (AMHA Website) for the upcoming season & purchase a tryout passport.

2.     Please arrive at least 45 minutes before the tryout begins.

3.     When you arrive at the lobby of ACC #2, please go to the AMHA table to sign-in and receive your child’s tryout jersey. THIS JERSEY MUST BE RETURNED AT THE END OF EACH TRYOUT! It does not go home.

4.     Full protective gear is mandatory, including neck and mouth guards – players without, or missing such equipment, will NOT be allowed on the ice.

5.     You must attend the first tryout in order to be invited back to the second and third tryout.

6.     There will be a team of independent evaluators.

7.     During and after the tryout, please do NOT approach the evaluators, as they have a job to do.

8.     Communication of decisions after each tryout will occur via the website and NOT in person at the arena. Your son’s passport submission ID number is your code that identifies you on the website (Look at NOVICE A for the team and the tryout page).

·         After the 1st  tryouts, results will be posted no later than 9 pm of the same day.

·         After the 2nd and 3rd tryout, results will be posted AFTER 4 pm the next day. 

I am aware that some players (and/or their parents) may experience anxiety during this process. PLEASE kindly reinforce with your child that they perform at their best when feeling relaxed and confident. It is also important for parents to help manage their child’s expectations during this process. A roster position on this team should never be assumed. Let’s all make the tryout process an enjoyable one! 


The following is a list of what will be looked for during the tryouts: 

· Skating

· Coachability

· Hockey sense

· Puck handling/control

· Shooting

· Attentiveness

· Attitude

· Battling

· Team play



·         There will be a financial commitment from each family. The estimated financial commitment will be approximately $2,000 to 2,500.

·         We will be looking for sponsorships and fundraising to help reduce the cost per family.

·         There will also be a time commitment required from each family. We will be on the ice 2 to 4 times per week with practices and games. It is expected that all players attend all practices and games.

·         We will be attending approx. 2 to 3 tournaments (at least one being an away tournament possibly in the USA).

·         Please expect to still be playing in March. So please book your holidays appropriately.

·         The coach will be looking for the following parent volunteer positions:

Ø  2 assistant coaches

Ø  1 practice coach

Ø  Team manager

Ø  Team trainer (I would prefer more than 1 as a back up)

Ø  Conditioning coach

Ø  Treasurer

Ø  Other roles (fundraising, on-ice helpers during practices, etc.) 

·         All decisions about player positions are at the discretion of the coach and will most likely change during the season based on the needs of the team.

.         If your child makes the team they MUST attend the Tigerware fitting on Wednesday May 3 / 2017 at 6:00 pm at Lionshare in Newmarket.  Additional details will be provided once the team selection has been finalized. 

If you have a question or a concern, please contact the AA / A VP, Sheri Hudson ([email protected]) . 

THANK YOU and we look forward to seeing you at the rink.


Sheri Hudson, VP – REP, AMHA

Gail Negri, 3rd VP – AMHA

Tom Bly – AMHA Head Coach

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