Welcome to the Novice A tryouts
Thank you to all parents,
guardians, and players for taking part in our 2015/2016 “Novice A” team tryout.
My name is Ryan Smith, and I will be your
head coach for the 2015-16 season.
Please continue reading for further information about these tryouts.
Tryout Schedule
Tryout #1
Saturday May 2nd
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Aurora Community Center ACC2
Tryout #2
Sunday May 3rd
12:30pm – 2:00 PM
Aurora Community Center ACC2
Tryout #3
Tuesday May 5th
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Aurora Community Center ACC1
· NEW for 2015: Upon check-in, you will be assigned a ‘player identification’ number which will be used to confirm whether your child has been invited back to the next skate. This will be done via the AMHA website (Novice A page) by 12 midnight on the day of each of the first two tryouts. Players who have successfully been named to the team will be posted the following day after the final tryout. Further details will be explained upon check-in.
· Note: Please allow till midnight of the day of tryout 1 and 2 before confirming if your number is present for the next tryout.
· Players have been assigned a specific tryout jersey colour/number at the sign-in desk. At the completion of each tryout, please return this jersey to the sign in desk/coach.
· Full protective gear is mandatory, including neck and mouth guards. Players without, or missing, such equipment, will not be allowed on the ice.
Drills and Evaluations
The tryouts will be an anxious time for all of us while the players are evaluated.
It will be an extremely difficult task choosing 17 players (15 players, 2 goalies) for the team from a large group of hardworking athletes. Player selection will be based on their individual abilities within these categories:
Puck handling
Compete level
Work ethic
Positional Play
Hockey Sense
Evaluation Team
An evaluation team will assist in the tryout process. These evaluators have been selected for their minor hockey expertise and I trust their judgments implicitly. In the interests of fairness, I would ask that you not approach the evaluators during the tryout(s).
Selection or Release Process
This year, the AMHA has upgraded their technology and we will be using this website as the primary means of communication during the tryout sessions. Please pay careful attention to this website to ensure you have the most up to date information on the status of your player.
It is highly likely that players will be called upon to play different positions throughout the season. This is beneficial to the overall development of the player and should be a welcomed part of the process.
Please note, the Head Coach/Staff reserve the right to position players as they feel necessary.
Post Tryout Process
Parents of ‘released’ players are welcome to reach out via email to the Head Coach 48 hours after the final tryout, should you have specific questions or desire additional feedback. A parent meeting for those selected to the team will be scheduled in the near future.
Coaching Staff
I will be selecting the remainder of the Novice A coaches/staff after the final tryout once the team is selected.
Tigers Jersey Fitting Day
The AMHA will host its ‘Jersey Fitting Day’ for ‘A’ teams on Saturday, May 9th (between 12 – 4 pm) in the lobby of ACC-2. When fitting your child, remember that they will have 4+ growth months before the start of the season in mid-September.
The Season Ahead – A Time and Financial Commitment
The 2014/15 season will likely begin in early September and run through until the end of March/April.
The schedule will consist of approximately 30 games. We expect to enter approximately 3-4 tournaments, 1-2 of which will be out of town. Generally, there will be 2 games per week and 2 practices per week. Budget outlines have not been completed but we expect it will cost approximately $2000+ per player for the 2015/16 season.
Parents may be called upon to obtain sponsorship and organize fundraising activities to help offset these costs and to support the team administratively.
Good Luck and thank you for trying out for the Novice A Tigers!

Ryan Smith
Head Coach Novice A Tigers