Sep 22, 2015 | dgage | 589 views
What's in your hockey bag?
Use this head-to-toe checklist to ensure you have all your gear before you leave for the rink:
☐ Jersey
☐ helmet
☐ mouth guard
☐ neck guard
☐ underarmour
☐ shoulder pads
☐ two elbow pads
☐ two gloves
☐ jock shorts
☐ hockey pants
☐ two hockey socks
☐ two shin pads
☐ two skates and whatever socks you like to wear on your feet (if different than already wearing)
☐ hockey stick
☐ hockey tape (if needed)
☐ towel to wipe skates
☐ skate guards
☐ water bottle with your name on it
☐ goalie bag/stick, if you are a goalie