PLAYOFFS - Game 6 - Saturday Feb 21, News, Atom Division, 2014-2015 (Aurora Minor Hockey)

This League is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 22, 2015 | MACobb | 578 views
PLAYOFFS - Game 6 - Saturday Feb 21
Game 6 results:

PLAYOFFS – Round 6 - Game results from Saturday Feb 21

405 Chicago Black - 2     409 Tampa Bay Blue - 1

405 Black - Jacob M - 2G, Adrien S - 1A, James M - 1A

409 Blue - Josh M - 1G



408 LA Purple - 4        406 Philadelphia Orange - 3

408 Purple - Matthew S - 2G, Brian C - 1G,1A, Anthony M - 1G, Ethan M - 1G, Michael L - 1A

406 Orange - Jeffrey B - 2G,1A, Nolan P - 1G, Graham H - 1A, Michael M - 1A


402 Boston Yellow - 6     403 Ottawa White - 2

402 Yellow - Ethan P - 3G, Cyril M - 2G, Luca P - 1G, Connor S - 3A, Ben B - 1A

403 White - Jack B - 2G, Julian L - 1A, Luke D - 1A, Tyler L - 1A


407 Minnesota Green - 6    410 SJ Teal - 5

407 Green - Matt K - 3G,1A, Yi W - 2G, Julian M - 1G

410 Teal - Julian T - 3G, Adam A - 1G, Jakob I - 1G, Ben A - 2A, Aidan S - 1A


Game 6 - for 401 NJ Red vs 404 Pittsburgh Sky Blue – to be played Feb 25