Mar 08, 2020 | MaryAnn | 569 views
March Madness 2020 comes to a close...
Thank you to all
the teams that made the Aurora March Madness 2020 tournament a success.
It was great to see a number of returning teams and also welcome new
teams the tournament.
Over the course of the weekend we saw 47 games of great hockey - and all players, coaches and parents should be very proud.
Congratulations to the following teams:
Atom Champions - Copper Cliff Boston
Atom Finalists - Thorold Blackhawks
Peewee Champions - OCHL KnoxPeewee
Finalists - Thorold Blackhawks
Bantam Champions - North London B8
Bantam Finalists - Welland Tigers
Watch for March Madness 2021 registration which will open by the end of October 2020.
Thank you again to all, good luck for the balance of your regular season and playoffs at your respective centres and have a fantastic summer.