Tournament Rules, March Madness Tournament (HL) 2019, 2018-2019 (Aurora Minor Hockey)

PrintTournament Rules
1. This is an Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) sanctioned NON-CONTACT Tournament. As such, it will be conducted according to the playing rules and regulations of the OMHA. Neck AND mouth guards are mandatory for all participating OMHA teams. Teams from outside the OMHA (i.e. Alliance, GTHL) are required to wear mouth guards only if mandated by their governing body. Fighting majors, gross misconducts and match penalties are automatic tournament suspensions.

2. Due to this being a House League tournament, if teams have two sets of shirts, we ask to please co-operate with the opposing team to ensure no shirt duplications (we are not following “home team, light and away team, dark” rule in this tournament). Pinnies or secondary shirts will be available in the event of both teams having the same colour shirt, and neither having an alternate – the HOME team will wear the pinnies / secondary shirts.

3. A representative (Head Coach or Manager) from each team must register and pick up their tournament package prior to their first game, at the Tournament office, located at ACC#1 at least one hour prior to playing. If you do not play at ACC # 1, then there will be a designated check-in office at the other tournament arena. Approved rosters must be presented as well as written travel permission from the team’s home centre. Ineligible players will not participate in any Tournament games.

4. Teams must be ready to play fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled game time.

5. Only arena personnel, referees, tournament convenor and timekeepers are allowed in the area of the timekeeper and penalty box.

6. Each tournament game during round-robin, will consist of a three (3) minute warm up, followed by three ten minute stop-time periods (i.e. 10-10-10). The clock will start running for the warm-up period as soon as the Zamboni has left the ice and the door is closed. After the warm-up teams are asked to shake hands and then quickly assemble lines for the drop of the puck. A flood will take place after each game. There is NO time-outs for any game until the championship game.

7. A running clock mercy rule will take effect for the following occurrence - if at any point in the third period (at start of or during) there is a five goal differential, the clock will run (straight time) for the remainder of the game unless the goal differential is reduced to a three (3) goal lead, the period will return to stop time. The only time the clock will stop during play is if an on-ice injury should occur. All penalties are ‘straight time’ when this mercy rule is in effect

8. All games will be round robin and points will be awarded as follows: Game Win 2 points, Game Tie 1 point, Game Loss 0 points. There is NO overtime in Round-Robin play. Games can end in a tie.

9. If a team forfeits a game (no show or cannot ice a team), the opposing team will win by a score of 3-0.

10. After each game, teams are to line up on their respective blue lines for MVP awards to be given out (chosen by their own team by the coaching staff – please try for no duplicates). Same process to follow both semi-final games and Championship games.

11. If teams are tied in the standings at the end of 3 game guarantee play, ties will be broken as follows If two teams are tied in the standings at the end of division play the advancing team will be determined as per (a) to (g). Where there are three or more teams in a division tied, these teams will be ranked in order using (b) to (g).
a) The winning team in head-to-head competition will be awarded the higher standing.
b) Most number of wins.
c) Highest percentage of “Total Goals For” divided by [“total goals for” PLUS “total goals against”]. Example Calculation: Team A – 16 Goals for and 4 Goals against = 16 / (16+4) = 16/20 = .800
Team B – 12 Goals for and 2 Goals against = 12 / (12+2) = 12/14 = .857
Team B would assume the higher position
d) Most goals for.
e) Least goals against.
f) Least penalty minutes as recorded during ALL round robin games.
g) If the teams are still tied after all the previous methods have been applied, the winner of the playoff spot will be determined by a single toss of a coin by the AMHA Tournament Director or AMHA President or AMHA VP.

12. For a SIX TEAM DIVISION – 3 games will be played by each team, the top 4 teams will advance to semi-finals (1st place v. 4th place and 2nd place v. 3rd place) the winning teams to advance to the FINAL CHAMPIONSHIP game.

13. For an EIGHT TEAM DIVISION – two divisions of 4 teams, 3 games per team will be played with the top two teams in each pool advancing to the semi-final game (1st place Pool A vs. 2nd place Pool B, 2nd place Pool A vs. 1st place Pool B), winners will advance then to the FINAL CHAMPIONSHIP game.

14. For a TEN TEAM DIVISION – 3 games will be played by each team, with the top two teams in each pool advancing to the semi-final game, (1st place Pool A vs.2d place Pool B, 1st place Pool B vs. 2nd place Pool A), winners will advance then to the FINAL CHAMPIONSHIP game.

15. All semi-final games will consist of three ten minute (10-10-10) stop-time periods. The Home team will be the winner of their respective Pools. In order for a player to play in a semi-final game they must have played in at least 1 round robin game.

If the Semi-final game ends in a tie after regulation time, the teams will proceed directly to a shootout. It will consist of 3 different players from each team shooting simultaneously. If still tied after 3 shooters, then sudden-death shootout will take place, with 1 NEW shooter from each team shooting simultaneously, following coaches “player shooting form”. The first team not to match the other team’s goal, looses.

A COMPLETE team list of shooters will be completed BEFORE the game begins at the time of game sheet completion prior to the game. Players will shoot in that order – the referees / scorekeepers will ensure that the list is followed. ALL players must have taken a turn at shooting before a player may shoot again. *same holds for the Championship game.

16. Championship games will consist of two (10) ten minute stop-time periods, and one (12) twelve minute stop time period (10 / 10 / 12). In order for a player to play in the Final game, they must have played in at least 1 round robin game. The Home team will be the team that finishes with the highest points at the end of Round Robin play, if tied in points, then refer to tie break rule “C” and “D”.

If the Championship game ends in a tie, a 5-minute run time, sudden victory period will be played. The period will be played as a 3-on-3 format. If a penalty is incurred during this overtime period will served as playing 4-on-3 format. Goalie must remain on ice at all times except during a delayed penalty call.

If the game is still tied after the overtime period, the teams will proceed to a shootout. It will consist of 3 different players from each team shooting simultaneously. If still tied after 3 shooters, then sudden-death shootout will take place, with 1 NEW shooter from each team shooting simultaneously, following coaches “player shooting form”. The first team not to match the other team’s goal, looses.

17. Teams advancing to Championship game are allowed (1) 30 second time out.

18. Teams must respect arena rules and leave dressing rooms in a tidy fashion. Teams or players disrespecting the facilities, arena staff or tournament staff may be suspended from the tournament.

20. Team officials are responsible for the conduct of their players both on and off the ice. Good sportsmanship from all teams will be adhered to during the entirety of the tournament.

21. Suspensions incurred during the Tournament must be served during any remaining Tournament play, as per OMHA Rules. This applies to all teams from all associations. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to render decisions regarding rule interpretations. All decisions are final. NO PROTESTS will be allowed.