2017 Bantam Tournament 3-ON-3 Rules, News, 16-17 Bantam Tournament, 2016-2017 (Aurora Minor Hockey)

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Jan 04, 2017 | Annette Vassos | 1247 views
2017 Bantam Tournament 3-ON-3 Rules
3-ON-3 Rules

Aurora Minor Hockey Association

48th Annual Bantam Tournament

3-on-3 Rules & Regulations


It is mandatory for all teams to participate; failure to play will result in disqualification of points from the remainder of the tournament.


Managers are to report to the Tournament 3on3 Registration table in ACC2 lobby 20 minutes before your scheduled competition time. (Refer to program for times).  Your team will be assigned a room to share with another team, once your team is done changing we would please ask you to stack your bags as space is tight! Signs will be posted for assigned room numbers and positions while waiting for on-ice games.  It is VERY IMPORTANT that you phase in your team getting dressed as you are sharing space.  Please be considerate.


Dress your first 6 players and then line up in the assigned position along the boards – Send your remaining players in to get dressed for the next game… It goes fast, so be prepared.  Bigger divisions are VERY BUSY waiting.  Coaches please keep tabs on skaters waiting and for coaching staff not on the bench, please supervise your players not participating on the ice!!


Do not leave valuables in the room as you will be sharing it with other teams and it will not be locked.  Leave all cell phones, ipods, music portables with parents!


Be prepared to go on the ice when your game begins with a minimum of 6 Skaters, no more than half your roster of players (i.e. up to half your roster game 1, then remainder game 2), 1 Goaltender and 1 Bench Staff – 1 Coach (+ your Trainer).


You will be required to have both home and visitor sweaters on hand and available as you may have to switch on the fly should you advance in the tournament.


This is a double knock-out format allowing you to play a minimum of 6 skaters from your team or alternating to include the remainder of your players for your next game. (Double knock-out applies unless a team does not lose a game and makes the finals, we do not have a double knock-out format for the final game!)


Games are five (5) minutes long, running time. Clock stops only for injury. Player changes must take place on the fly and there will be NO BODY CONTACT for this portion of the Tournament.


Each game will begin with a centre ice Face-off. After every goal, players must immediately return to centre ice for another face-off, do this fast… the game is only 5 minutes! The Puck will be dropped at the referee’s discretion, if your player holds back getting to centre ice, they may not be there for the puck drop. Off-sides will result in the puck being turned over to the opposing team. No icings will be called.


Penalties are not served during the 5-minute game. For each penalty incurred, a penalty shot will be awarded to the opposing team at the end of the game (unless it would be impossible for the losing team to win or tie the game).


In the event of a tie game, a simultaneous SHOOT-OUT will occur. The first team to score while its opponent does not, will be declared the winner.


The Championship Team in each division will be presented with a set of individual awards for all participating players.